Tulsidas believes that due to the love of Nirguna Brahma Rama devotee, wearing a human body exhibits various expressions of a cosmic man. In the play, a nut means that the actor, while playing many characters, wears the costumes according to them and performs many characters. Just as he does not become a character by wearing and acting according to many characters in a nut drama, the nut remains the same, in the same way, Lord Rama in Ramcharitmanas according to the cosmic man, Lord Rama is essentially the same. Rama is essentially Nirguna Brahma. Tulsidas has clarified this by saying that the unintelligent people cannot understand the secret of this Leela and, being enchanted, understand the form of Leela as real. According to Tulsidas, there is a need to imbibe the real and physical form of Rama.
Siddha ‘Mantra’ of Shri Ramcharit Manas
The law of proving the couplets of Manas is that mantra should be proved on any auspicious day night after ten o’clock by an Ashtanga Havan. Then for the work which requires chanting, one should chant daily. In Varanasi, Lord Shankarji has given mantra-shakti to the Chaupais of the Manas – hence, facing towards Varanasi, Shankarji should be made a witness and chant with reverence.
Ashtanga Havan Ingredients
14 sandalwood powder, 24 sesame seeds, 37 pure ghee, 6 sugar, 58 agar, 7 tagar, 8 camphor, 7 pure saffron, 79 nagaramotha, 108 Panchmeva, 118 barley and 129 Rice.
Things to know–
To prove the purpose for which chaupai, doha or soratha is chanted, one day havan (chaupai, doha or soratha) should be done 108 times with the contents of havan to prove that. This havan has to be done only one day. The altar of moderately pure clay should be made by placing fire on it and offering sacrifices in it. At the end of the chaupai, in each offering, ‘Swaha’ should be spoken. Each and every sacrifice should be about a quarter of a pound (including everything). Accordingly, a ser (40 tola) material should be prepared for 108 sacrifices. No objection if something is less. Pishta, almonds, raisins (chestnut), walnuts and cashews can be taken in Panchameva. If any of these things are not found, then you can add Nauja or Mishri instead. Putting saffron pure for 4 hours will do the job.
The need to keep the garland at the time of the Havan is to count the number of 108. The seat should be of wool or cushion to sit. If it is of cotton cloth, it should be washed clean. To prove the mantra, if there is a chaupai or doha of Lanka, then it should be done on Havan on Saturday. Chaupai-couplets of other kandas can be proved by performing havan on any day. The square of the proven defense line should be drawn once by speaking, where the square line around your seat should be drawn with water or coal. Then that four-footed should also be proved by giving 108 sacrifices as mentioned above. Even if the defense line is not drawn, there is no objection. If you want to prove a second mantra for other work, then a separate havan will have to be done for it. One day the havan was proved to be a mantra. After that until the work is successful, the chanting of that mantra (chaupai, doha) etc. should be done at least 108 times in the morning or at night, when there is convenience.
For any two-three tasks, if you want to do the rituals of two-three chaupais together. But those four-footers should be done by doing different Havan first.
Whenever there is a difficulty, Read these Chaupai’s of Ramcharitmanas :-
For disaster-destroying: –
“राजिव नयन धरें धनु सायक। भगत बिपति भंजन सुखदायक।।”
For crisis: –
“ जौं प्रभु दीन दयालु कहावा। आरति हरन बेद जसु गावा।।
जपहिं नामु जन आरत भारी। मिटहिं कुसंकट होहिं सुखारी।।
दीन दयाल बिरदु संभारी। हरहु नाथ मम संकट भारी।।”
To destroy hard tribulation: –
“हरन कठिन कलि कलुष कलेसू। महामोह निसि दलन दिनेसू॥”
Disruption for peace:–
“सकल विघ्न व्यापहिं नहिं तेही। राम सुकृपाँ बिलोकहिं जेही॥”
To regret the destruction: –
“जब तें राम ब्याहि घर आए। नित नव मंगल मोद बधाए॥”
To end the worry:–
“जय रघुवंश बनज बन भानू। गहन दनुज कुल दहन कृशानू॥”
For the comfort of various diseases and nuisances: –
“दैहिक दैविक भौतिक तापा।राम राज काहूहिं नहि ब्यापा॥”
To relieve the anguish of the brain: –
“हनुमान अंगद रण गाजे। हाँक सुनत रजनीचर भागे।।”
To destroy poison: –
“नाम प्रभाउ जान सिव नीको। कालकूट फलु दीन्ह अमी को।।”
For the prevention of premature death: –
“नाम पाहरु दिवस निसि ध्यान तुम्हार कपाट। लोचन निज पद जंत्रित जाहिं प्रान केहि बाट।।”
For destruction of all kinds of objections / exorcism: –
“प्रनवउँ पवन कुमार,खल बन पावक ग्यान घन। जासु ह्रदयँ आगार, बसहिं राम सर चाप धर॥”
To lose sight: –
“स्याम गौर सुंदर दोउ जोरी. निरखहिं छबि जननीं तृन तोरी ..”
To retrieve the lost item: – “गई बहोर गरीब नेवाजू. सरल सबल साहिब रघुराजू ..”
To get a livelihood: – “बिस्व भरण पोषन कर जोई. ताकर नाम भरत जस होई”
To eradicate poverty: –
“अतिथि पूज्य प्रियतम पुरारि के. कामद धन दारिद दवारि के ..”
To attain Lakshmi: –
“जिमि सरिता सागर महुँ जाही. जद्यपि ताहि कामना नाहीं .. तिमि सुख संपति बिनहिं बोलाएँ. धरमसील पहिं जाहिं सुभाएँ ..”
To have a son: –
“प्रेम मगन कौसल्या निसिदिन जात न जान. सुत सनेह बस माता बालचरित कर गान ..”
To get the property:-
“जे सकाम नर सुनहि जे गावहि.सुख संपत्ति नाना विधि पावहि ..”
To attain Riddhi-Siddhi: –
“साधक नाम जपहिं लय लाएँ. होहिं सिद्ध अनिमादिक पाएँ ..”
For the attainment of all happiness: –
“सुनहिं बिमुक्त बिरत अरु बिषई. लहहिं भगति गति संपति नई ..”
For the wish of accomplishment:-
“भव भेषज रघुनाथ जसु सुनहिं जे नर अरु नारि. तिन्ह कर सकल मनोरथ सिद्ध करहिं त्रिसिरारि ..”
For the well-being: –
“भुवन चारिदस भरा उछाहू. जनकसुता रघुबीर बिआहू ..”
To win the case:-
“पवन तनय बल पवन समाना. बुधि बिबेक बिग्यान निधाना ..”
To go before the enemy: –
“कर सारंग साजि कटि भाथा. अरिदल दलन चले रघुनाथा.””
To make the enemy a friend: –
“गरल सुधा रिपु करहिं मिताई. गोपद सिंधु अनल सितलाई ..”
For the enemy:- “बयरु न कर काहू सन कोई. राम प्रताप विषमता खोई.”
For success in the conversation: – “तेहि अवसर सुनि सिव धनु भंगा. आयउ भृगुकुल कमल पतंगा.”
For marriage: –
“तब जनक पाइ वशिष्ठ आयसु ब्याह साजि सँवारि कै. मांडवी श्रुतकीरति उरमिला, कुँअरि लई हँकारि कै.”
For the journey to be successful: –
“प्रबिसि नगर कीजै सब काजा. ह्रदयँ राखि कोसलपुर राजा.”
For success of examination / education: –
“जेहि पर कृपा करहिं जनु जानी. कबि उर अजिर नचावहिं बानी. मोरि सुधारिहि सो सब भाँती. जासु कृपा नहिं कृपाँ अघाती.”
For the attraction: –
“जेहि कें जेहि पर सत्य सनेहू. सो तेहि मिलइ न कछु संदेहू.”
For the benefit of virtue from bathing: –
“सुनि समुझहिं जन मुदित मन मज्जहिं अति अनुराग। लहहिं चारि फल अछत तनु साधु समाज प्रयाग।।”
For the retirement of blasphemy:- “राम कृपाँ अवरेब सुधारी। बिबुध धारि भइ गुनद गोहारी।।”
For the attainment of learning:- “ गुरु गृहँ गए पढ़न रघुराई। अलप काल विद्या सब आई॥
To be a celebration: –
“सिय रघुबीर बिबाहु जे सप्रेम गावहिं सुनहिं। तिन्ह कहुँ सदा उछाहु मंगलायतन राम जसु।।”
To keep it safe by wearing Yagyopavit: –
“जुगुति बेधि पुनि पोहिअहिं रामचरित बर ताग। पहिरहिं सज्जन बिमल उर सोभा अति अनुराग।।”
To increase love:-
“ सब नर करहिं परस्पर प्रीती। चलहिं स्वधर्म निरत श्रुति नीती॥
To protect Katar: –
“मोरें हित हरि सम नहिं कोऊ। एहिं अवसर सहाय सोइ होऊ।।”
To die comfortably while reciting Bhagavatsam:-
“रामचरन दृढ प्रीति करि बालि कीन्ह तनु त्याग । सुमन माल जिमि कंठ तें गिरत न जानइ नाग ॥”
To purify the idea: –
“ताके जुग पद कमल मनाउँ। जासु कृपाँ निरमल मति पावउँ।।”
For suspicion:-
“राम कथा सुंदर करतारी। संसय बिहग उड़ावन हारी।।”
To forgive the crime of God: –
“अनुचित बहुत कहेउँ अग्याता। छमहु छमा मंदिर दोउ भ्राता।।”
For disgust:-
“भरत चरित करि नेमु तुलसी जे सादर सुनहिं। सीय राम पद प्रेमु अवसि होइ भव रस बिरति।।”
For the attainment of knowledge:-
“छिति जल पावक गगन समीरा। पंच रचित अति अधम सरीरा।।”
For the attainment of devotion: –
“भगत कल्पतरु प्रनत हित कृपासिंधु सुखधाम। सोइ निज भगति मोहि प्रभु देहु दया करि राम।।”
To please Shree Hanumanji:- “सुमिरि पवनसुत पावन नामू। अपनें बस करि राखे रामू।।”
To attain Moksha:-
“सत्यसंध छाँड़े सर लच्छा। काल सर्प जनु चले सपच्छा।।”
For the vision of Shri Sitaram: –
“नील सरोरुह नील मनि नील नीलधर श्याम । लाजहि तन सोभा निरखि कोटि कोटि सत काम ॥”
For the philosophy of Srijanaki ji:–
“जनकसुता जगजननि जानकी। अतिसय प्रिय करुनानिधान की।।”
To tame Shri Ramchandraji:-
“केहरि कटि पट पीतधर सुषमा सील निधान। देखि भानुकुल भूषनहि बिसरा सखिन्ह अपान।।”
For a simple appearance:-
“भगत बछल प्रभु कृपा निधाना। बिस्वबास प्रगटे भगवाना।।”